Troop 507 Trips
Trips & Gear Information
Permission Slip-- Generic for any trip: PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY!
What To Take on a Troop 507 Camping Trip
Medical Forms
Medical Form Instructions - PLEASE READ
Boy Scout Medical Forms are valid for one year.
1. Please make 5 copies of all parts of the medical forms and staple in 5 sets, one for each of our medical binders that accompany drivers on our camping trips. Each set should include: Part A, Part B, and Part C as well as both sides of your insurance card.
2. Please download forms from the link below and note that you can type directly on this pdf file.
3. Please make double-sided copies to save space in our files!
4. Please do NOT attach your child's Immunization Record. You will need to type this information onto your forms. The Medical Books & Forms Coordinator will not be able to accept any forms with this attached as we are at the limit of what our binders can hold.
Feel free to go the the CVS Minute Clinic on Verdugo Blvd for your exam. It is a brief wait and the nurse can sign the form for you.
Annual Health & Medical Record - Complete
Trip Leader Information
Troop 507 Trip Planning Guide.pdf
Tour Permit Application - Local
Tour Permit Application - National